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<td id="header-avatar-image-container" valign="top" style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; vertical-align: top; width: 32px; padding-right: 9px"><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~mattf?src=email" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><img id="header-avatar-image" class="image_fix" src="cid:avatar_9eca7bba63959d79ad6da1a09812b37a" height="32" width="32" border="0" style="border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: top" /></a></td>
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<td class="content-excerpt-pattern-container mobile-resize-text " style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0 0 0 24px"> <p class="diff-context-placeholder" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">...</p>
<ul class="diff-block-target" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Prepared Presentations:
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<li>Talk by Wazo</li>
<li>Talk by Ludovic</li>
<li>Talk by Daniel</li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Discussion by Nir</li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Proposed deprecation of <code style="font-family: monospace">app_macro</code> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">Gosub has existed for 12 years now and is suitable replacement, but not 100% compatible.<br /> </code> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">You exit a Macro by using Goto to any different context.</code> </p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">You normally exit a Gosub using the Return app which sends control back to the n+1 priority that originally called Gosub.</code> </p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">A Gosub return address can be thrown out using "StackPop", then you can use Goto with any context.</code> </p> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">Documentation for the Dial app would be simpler if the Macro option were excluded.</code> </p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <code style="font-family: monospace">Macro adds some code/complexity to the pbx core and a few apps.</code> </p> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Proposed deprecation of <code style="font-family: monospace">chan_sip</code>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Feature Parity - What features are available in <code style="font-family: monospace">chan_sip</code> that are not available in <code style="font-family: monospace">chan_pjsip</code> and what is the level of effort to get us there
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-0" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">CCSS is missing</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">AOC is missing</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Outbound SUBSCRIBE is missing</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Configuration - <code style="font-family: monospace">sip.conf</code> vs. <code style="font-family: monospace">pjsip.conf</code> vs. <code style="font-family: monospace">pjsip_wizard.conf</code> vs. <code style="font-family: monospace">contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip</code>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <code style="font-family: monospace"><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-1" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Can we make chan_pjsip read sip.conf directly?</span></code> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Stability - Both actual and perceived</li>
<li>Performance - Both actual and perceived</li>
<li>Outside Forces - Is there a business case for keeping <code style="font-family: monospace">chan_sip</code> around?</li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-2" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Leaving it around misrepresents its support status to people within the community (no current maintainer for chan_sip)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Proposed deprecation plan:</span>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Gain feature parity (16 ?)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Give warning on load (Wait until feature parity question is resolved - maybe into 15.x.0?)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Give warning on call start (maybe 17?)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">noload in modules.conf/remove from default menuselect enabled modules (maybe 16?)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Kill it with fire</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li>How do we get to an all ARI solution?
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-3" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">pbx_ari</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Can we have ARI be more system aware (subscribe to all channels) instead of channel aware</span>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">There's already a parameter that causes your ARI application to receive all events on the system.</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Getting features from 14 into an LTS.</li>
<li>What's the next <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-0" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">evolution </span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-4" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">revolution </span>of Asterisk?<span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-5" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">How to improve functions in ARI to make it more of a first class citizen?</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-6" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Setting variables on a bridge (Sylvain and Torrey +1 this)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Set or Get multiple variables on a channel</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">List global variables</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">No variables when a channel is hung up (perhaps some sort of race condition)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">ARI way to administratively convert a channel to stasis (from dialplan)</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<li>Required content sections</li>
<li>Dealing with Asterisk version differences</li>
</ul> </li>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<li>Peer reviewed before publish?</li>
<li>Ease of contributing</li>
</ul> </li>
<li>Autogenerated content
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">
<li>Integration with edited wiki content</li>
</ul> </li>
</ul> </li>
</ul> </td>
</table> </td>
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