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<td id="header-avatar-image-container" valign="top" style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; vertical-align: top; width: 32px; padding-right: 9px"><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~rnewton?src=email" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><img id="header-avatar-image" class="image_fix" src="cid:avatar_925838d3d8b1f71935f30b314c925d64" height="32" width="32" border="0" style="border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: top" /></a></td>
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<td class="notification-comment-pattern-container mobile-resize-text" style="padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0px"><strong>Change comment:</strong> More content and layout changes</td>
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</table> </td>
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<th class="diff-macro-title" style="background-color: transparent; text-align: left; font-weight: normal;padding: 5px;"><span class="icon macro-placeholder-icon" style="background-color: ;line-height: 20px;"><img src="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/s/en_GB/5639/a252d7f5e75d7a8bf7047b4b2c92f71a56a8f048.48/_/images/icons/macrobrowser/dropdown/warning.png" style="padding-right: 5px; vertical-align: text-bottom;" /> </span>Warning</th>
<td class="diff-macro-body" style="background-color: #fff;border: 1px solid #dddddd;padding: 10px;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse"> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Not all the notes and slides are up just yet.<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-0" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Please be patient!</span> </p> </td>
<h1 id="AstriDevCon2016-Overview" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0">Overview</h1>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">AstriDevCon was held on <span class="date-past date-time-lozenge" style="background-color: #eee; border: solid 1px #ddd; border-radius: 3px; white-space: nowrap; resize: none; outline: 0 none; padding: 0 1px 0 0; color: #333; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; mso-text-raise: 2px"><span><img src="cid:inline-task-calendar-icon" class="inline-task-calendar-icon" width="16" height="16" alt="calendar icon" style="display: inline-block; padding-right: 2px; vertical-align: text-top; width: 16px; height: 16px" /></span>27 Sep 2016</span> at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel and Spa in Glendale, AZ. There were approximately ~50 attendees on average throughout the day. <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-1" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-0" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Lunch was provided by e4strategies.com.</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added diff-html-image-container" style="background-color: #ddfade;display: inline-block;position: relative;text-align: center;"><img class="confluence-embedded-image" width="500" src="/wiki/download/attachments/36215118/Devcon3%20%281%29.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1475877304614&api=v2" data-image-src="/wiki/download/attachments/36215118/Devcon3%20%281%29.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1475877304614&api=v2" /><span class="diff-image-overlay diff-added-image" style="color: #535353;display: block;padding: 4px 4px 8px 4px;text-decoration: none;">Image Added</span></span> </p>
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<th class="diff-macro-title" style="background-color: transparent; text-align: left; font-weight: normal;padding: 5px;"><span class="icon macro-placeholder-icon" style="background-color: ;line-height: 20px;"><img src="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/s/en_GB/5639/a252d7f5e75d7a8bf7047b4b2c92f71a56a8f048.48/_/images/icons/macrobrowser/dropdown/panel.png" style="padding-right: 5px; vertical-align: text-bottom;" /> </span>Panel</th>
<td class="diff-macro-body" style="background-color: #fff;border: 1px solid #dddddd;padding: 10px;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse"> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"></p>
<table class="diff-macro bodyless" style="background-color: #f0f0f0;border: 1px solid #dddddd;margin: 10px 1px;padding: 0 2px 2px;width: 100%;margin: 5px 0; padding: 0; width: auto;; border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; color: #333">
<th class="diff-macro-title" style="background-color: transparent; text-align: left; font-weight: normal;padding: 5px;"><span class="icon macro-placeholder-icon" style="background-color: ;line-height: 20px;"><img src="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/s/en_GB/5639/a252d7f5e75d7a8bf7047b4b2c92f71a56a8f048.48/_/images/icons/macrobrowser/dropdown/toc.png" style="padding-right: 5px; vertical-align: text-bottom;" /> </span>Table of Contents</th>
</table> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"></p> </td>
</div> </td>
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<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-Attendees" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Attendees</h2>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Nicolas Bouliane | Jive</li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">David Duffett - UK - DIgium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Sean Pimental - US - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Alex Goodman - Axia Technology partners</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">John Harden - Axia Technology partners</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Brad Watkins - Axia Technology partners</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">David Al-khadhairi - USAN</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Daniel Collins - USAN</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Hideyuki Yamashita - NTT Japan</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Luca Pradovera - Mojolingo</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Evan McGee - Ringplus</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Matt Riddell - Create Offshore Company, Panama</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Sebastien - Proformatique/XiVO</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Torrey Searle - Voxbone</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Vincent Morsiani - Voxbone</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Denis Guse, TU Berlin - Germany</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Lorenzo - Loway</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Tony Rusell - South Africa</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Dan Jenkins - NimbleApe, UK</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Eric Klein - Greenfield Technologies</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Nir - Greenfield Technologies</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Sean McCord - CyCore</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Ludovic Gasc - Eyepea, Belgium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Sylvain Boily - Proformatique / XiVO</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Kyle Kurz - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Nicoloas Bouliane - Jive</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Michael Walton - FarSouth Networks, South Africa</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Bryan Walters - Sangoma</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">James Finstrom - Sangoma</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Jason Parker - Sangoma</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Andew Nagy - Sangoma</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Corey McFadden - Voneto</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Jared Smith - Capital One Bank</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Malcolm Davenport - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Scott Griepentrog - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Joshua Colp - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Rusty Newton - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Matt Jordan - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Matt Fredrickson - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">George Joseph - Digium</p> </li>
<li> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0">Mark Michelson - Digium</p> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Link to <a href="http://sphereshare.net/#!/s/d07e8e3ef0332ab8737854fd0ec4cd74" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">panoramic view of the room</a> at the time.</p>
<h1 id="AstriDevCon2016-Notesandhighlights" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0">Notes and highlights</h1>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-MorningSession" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0; margin-top: 10px">Morning Session</h2>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Introductions. See attendees list.</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Show of hands - how many are new AstriDevCon attendees?: ~8, hooray!</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">What happened to Matt Jordan?</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Matt Fredrickson - new Digium Asterisk project manager</li>
<li>Matt Jordan now Digium CTO</li>
<li>Matt F has a long history with Digium(since 2001), has worked with Asterisk, zaptel/DAHDI, libpri, Digium board products, wrote ss7 stack, WebRTC technologies, and more!</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">George Joseph hired at Digium. (from the Asterisk community woo!)</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Contributions:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>>1k commits to Ast 14</li>
<li>Approximately 91 individual contributors for Asterisk 14!</li>
<li>Top contributors:(will grab from Matt F's slides)</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">What's new with Asterisk 14? (will post Matt F's slides and link to CHANGES on wiki)</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">SIPit testing results and observations (JColp will add a summary here)</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Show of hands - how many are using chan_sip with 13? (~60% of attendees)</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Attendees gave some reasons why they or their customers haven't moved from chan_sip to chan_pjsip</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Bugs (pjsip) holding some users back from moving completely.</li>
<li>Complexity of configuration (pjsip).</li>
<li>Familiarity with chan_sip, reluctance to use new stuff.</li>
<li>Lack of complete feature parity. Or specific features missing.</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Digium has released codec_opus! Digium implemented a codec_opus as a binary with anonymous stats reporting as a conservative measure for legal protection. Digium didn't write the opus code from scratch, the SDK was used. If community members are aware of specific pitfalls from their own interop testing with opus, they should report the issues and Digium can address it.</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Q: What's the deal with the anonymous channel usage reporting in codec_opus?<br />A: <a href="http://blogs.digium.com/2016/09/30/opus-in-asterisk/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">http://blogs.digium.com/2016/09/30/opus-in-asterisk/</a> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-0" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">10:15AM (BREAK)</span> </p>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-BuildingtheAgenda" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0">Building the Agenda</h3>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">We will have presentations and discussion led by:</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Dennis Guse - Binaural Audio<br />Sylvain and Sebastien - XiVO and ARI<br />Nicolas Bouliane - Scaling Asterisk</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Then, topics we'll try to get to:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Scaling ARI</li>
<li>migration to PJSIP</li>
<li>ARI and using dialplan less</li>
<li>When should we deprecate or remove chan_sip</li>
<li>Recording to remote dest</li>
<li>Relaxing JIRA rules for feature requests</li>
<li>Video transcoding</li>
<li>RTCP feedback for Opus to swap between wide and narrowband modes as call conditions change</li>
<li>Should we enforce tests on all contributions?</li>
<li>Endpoints with multiple contacts, how to call a specific contract via pattern?</li>
<li>ICE negotiation on systems with a lot of interfaces is problematic</li>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-Discussionitems" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-1" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Discussion items</span> </h2>
<div class="table-wrap" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; overflow-x: auto">
<table class="confluenceTable" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd;; border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; color: #333; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 10px 0 0 0; overflow-x: auto; margin-top: 0">
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Time</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Item</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Who</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Notes</span>
</div> </th>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">30 min</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Overview of Asterisk 14</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Matthew Fredrickson</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">45 min</span> </p> </td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Binaural Audio Changes</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-1" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Dennis Guse</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">1 hr</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Lunch</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">45 min</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">XiVO and ARI</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Sylvain and Sebastien</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">30 min</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/download/attachments/36215118/NicoAstriDevCon.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1475006057656&api=v2" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Scaling Asterisk Horizontally</span></a></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Nicolas Bouliane</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Open discussion items</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span></td>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-Actionitems" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Action items</span> </h2>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-DennisGuse-BinauralAudio(STEAK)" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0; margin-top: 10px"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Dennis Guse </span>- Binaural Audio (STEAK)</h3>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">(Slides will be posted, as well as Dennis' answers to a few questions that were asked.)</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Note that the demo system for STEAK will be shut down by the end of the year.</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-3" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">STEAK project home: </span><a href="http://steakconferencing.de/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">http://steakconferencing.de/</span></a> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Links to patches:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3521/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3521/</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3522/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3522/</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3523/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3523/</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3524/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3524/</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3525/" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/3525/</a> </li>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-AfternoonSession" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0">Afternoon Session</h2>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">12:30PM (After lunch)</p>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-SylvainandSebastien-XiVOandARI" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0">Sylvain and Sebastien - XiVO and ARI</h3>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Slides: <a href="http://fr.slideshare.net/SylvainBoily2/ari-xivo-astricon2016" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none">http://fr.slideshare.net/SylvainBoily2/ari-xivo-astricon2016</a> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Wants to see in ARI:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Bridge variables</li>
<li>Get or set multiple variables on a channel</li>
<li>list global variables</li>
<li>MOH events and possbility to list MOH classes</li>
<li>In-memory database</li>
<li>External bus</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Problems ran into:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>No variable on channel event hangup</li>
<li>Suggest maintaining a cache for channel variables</li>
<li>"allocation failed"</li>
<li>Event on channel originate?</li>
<li>Convert channel to stasis to use in a stasis bridge</li>
<li>Setting variable on non-stasis chan (they wrote a patch)</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Things loved about ARI:</p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li>Easy to test</li>
<li>Documentation! Swagger</li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Q: From Sylvain and Sebastien, who is the maintainer of python-ari? How can they help?<br />A: Matt J says, no one at the moment, Digium devs moved towards Node.js. Sylvain and Sebastien said they would be interested in maintaining python-ari.</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">George Joseph asked the presenters to share a list of things to do in AJAM vs ARI. They said they could share.</p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">Sean McCord - ARI playbacks fail silently (if file doesn't exist), Josh had a comment on this, but it didn't get noted.</p>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-Goals" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-2" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Goals</span> </h2>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-4" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">1:00PM</span> </p>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-NicolasBouliane-ScalingAsteriskHorizontally" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Nicolas Bouliane - Scaling Asterisk Horizontally</span> </h3>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Slides: </span><a class="confluence-link unresolved" href="#" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">NicoAstriDevCon.pdf</span></a> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Q: Torrey Searle - What is the motivation to move from Cassandra to ISPD?</span> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">A: Timing/delay with endpoint registration between machines and lack of control over cache in Asterisk.</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Q: Sean McCord - Why are you having registrations go directly to Asterisk?</span> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">A: They don't. Registrations go through BGW first. (kamailio, etc)</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Q: Matt Jordan - How many people in the room have had to tackle a similar problem?</span> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> A: ~4-5 people. (show of hands)</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Sean McCord - Says res_pjsip makes this so much easier by utilizing AORs.</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Q: Is ISPD like RabbitMQ ?</span> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">A: No, and not open source yet</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Q: What is the gain on efficiency?</span> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">A:They didn't have a big focus on efficiency; mainly on destroy the association between endpoint and Asterisk system. Abstracting out to dealing with pools of resources.</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">1:45PM</span> </p>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-OpenDiscussionTopics" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Open Discussion Topics</span> </h3>
<h4 id="AstriDevCon2016-ARIissues:" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 20px 0 0 0; margin-top: 10px"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-2" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">ARI issues:</span> </h4>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-4" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Scaling ARI</span> </p>
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span>
<span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-3" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">- how to do that without needing Go proxy or C proxy</span>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"></p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-6" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Two </span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-4" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">sides:</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-5" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">aspects</span>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-8" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Proxying http requests/responses</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Proxying async events on the individual websockets to instances of Asterisk</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-6" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">.</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Suggestion to add an identifier to each ARI websocket event that identifies the instance of Asterisk generating the event</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-7" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">. We need unique identifier for the node/system/Asterisk instance.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-8" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Matt Jordan says we already have unique identifiers that may be usable for what we need.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-11" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">How can I use ARI and not require dialplan</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-9" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">?</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-10" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Should web developers have to write *any* dialplan?</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Dialplan provides separation of duties/concerns which is a security benefit.</span> </li>
<li> <a href="http://pbx_ari.so" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-13" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">pbx_ari.so</span></a><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-5" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span><a href="http://pbx_ari.so" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-14" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">?</span></a> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-6" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Pros and cons of using </span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-11" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Use </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-16" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">dialplan as a fast filter for bad actors and unwanted traffic</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-12" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">?</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-7" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Takeaway: </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-18" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">DON'T DEPRECATE THE DIALPLAN</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-8" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Takeaway: Matt Jordan, don't throw away code</span> </li>
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Talk about swagger </span>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-13" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Swagger </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-19" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">version and ARI</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-9" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">If ARI is popular, shouldn't we be running a more current </span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-14" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">How do we move towards a new </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-21" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">version of Swagger</span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-10" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">(ish)</span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-22" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">?</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-11" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">OpenAPI is </span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-15" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Swagger is now </span><a href="https://openapis.org/specification" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">OAI </span></a><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">- and OAI is </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-23" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">supposed to be </span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-12" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">slowing down in terms of changes from version to version</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Jared Smith thinks we should move to OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">OpenAPI 3.0 is in the works</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">If we move forward, probably wait for Asterisk 15</span> </li>
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Can </span>
<span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-16" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">stabilizing and less volatile in regards to changes.</span>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Jared suggests moving to </span><a href="https://openapis.org/specification" class="external-link" rel="nofollow" style="color: #3b73af; text-decoration: none"><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">newer OAI</span></a><span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Probably wait for Ast 15 to make any big breaking changes</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> Can </span><span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-24" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">we record to a remote destination?</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-13" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Media, transports, and more oh my, oh my</span>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Video transcoding</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Discussion about ZRTP</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">ICE negotiation on systems with a lot of interfaces is problematic</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Ability to have RTCP feedback with Opus to swap between wideband and narrowband modes as call conditions change</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Policies and Procedures:</span>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Relaxing JIRA rules - Feature requests and getting more people involved that don't write in C</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Should we get rid of chan_sip in a coming version of Asterisk :bomb_thrown:</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Do we need to enforce test additions on all contributions?</span> </li>
</ul> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">PJSIP:</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-17" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Maybe?</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Show of hands , how many doing speech recognition in core business? About ~8 hands out of attending.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Something to work on.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">3:10PM</span> </p>
<h4 id="AstriDevCon2016-Mediaissues:" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 20px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Media issues:</span> </h4>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Discussion about ZRTP</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">ZRTP not popular, TLS is the way to go</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">ICE negotation on systems with lots of interfaces is problematic</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Problem: Limited number of candidates allowed with Asterisk RTP/ICE code</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Problem: Limiting the number of candidates potentially can increase the speed of a connection being established.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">RTCP feedback for Opus to swap between wide and narrow-band modes as call conditions change</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">RTCP support is minimal, but availability of the messages is better due to stasis.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Consensus - worth improving for a variety of reasons.</span> </li>
<h4 id="AstriDevCon2016-Policiesandprocedures:" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 20px 0 0 0"> <br /> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Policies and procedures:</span> </h4>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Relaxing JIRA rules... feature requests and trying to get more people involved</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Talk on the lists about building working groups for triaging/handling feature requests to track on JIRA.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Should we enforce a requirement for tests on all relevant contributions?</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">No consensus, but leaning towards no. We don't want to scare away too many people. Perhaps we should be more lenient up front to help people come into the community and then enforce more as people participate regularly.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;"> </span> </p>
<h4 id="AstriDevCon2016-SIPissues:" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 20px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">SIP issues:</span> </h4>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Should we deprecate chan_sip?</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Benefit to security to deprecate it sooner rather than later. As chan_sip ages without attention, it will become a security risk.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Large portion of community still reliant on chan_sip.. a lot of pain to move too soon.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">A lot of reasons to not deprecate anytime soon, and a lot of reasons to deprecate it sooner rather than later.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">We are on the path..chan_sip was already moved to extended support in 12.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Matt F doesn't want to nail down a specific time yet.</span> </li>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-26" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Making migration easier from chan_sip </span> </p>
<span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-14" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Endpoints with multiple contacts, being able to specify endpoints by pattern, etc</span>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-18" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">to chan_pjsip</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">There are current tools available. Python script for migration and pjsip config wizard.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Patches accepted! Discuss on the lists if you come up with ideas.</span> </li>
<h4 id="AstriDevCon2016-ASR/TTS:" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; margin: 20px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-28" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">ASR/TTS</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-19" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">:</span> </h4>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-30" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">AGI or AMI is the only way to integrate - 1024 byte limitation in AGI for request size (so large grammars are not possible)</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">MRCP </span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-15" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">support for ARI would be very interesting</span><span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-20" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">a good place to start.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Supporting audio streams to external </span><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-16" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">entities is a good start.</span> </li>
<li> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Is MRCP the best place to start for further work on ASR/TTS?</span> </li>
<span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-21" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">destinations is worthwhile and useful to many.</span>
<li> <span class="diff-html-changed" id="changed-diff-32" style="background-color: #d6f0ff;">Throw out dialplan apps (because they're insane)</span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);"><span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-17" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">List of people interested in developer support for patch merging:</span></span> </li>
<h3 id="AstriDevCon2016-Closing" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 25px; margin: 30px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" id="added-diff-22" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Closing</span> </h3>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Everyone's work is appreciated! Thanks for coming!</span> </p>
<p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-added" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ddfade;">Before closing, Matt Jordan offered the support of our core developersto help those interested in merging their patches during the conference. Show of hands for who would be interested -</span> </p>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
<li> <span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Michael Walton</span> </li>
<li> <span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Nicolas Boulian</span> </li>
<li> <span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Ludovic Gasc</span> </li>
<li> <span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Torrey Searle</span> </li>
<li> <span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Etienne <span class="diff-html-removed" id="removed-diff-18" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">(go talk to Sylvaine)</span></span> <br /> </li>
<h2 id="AstriDevCon2016-Discussionitems" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 30px; margin: 40px 0 0 0"> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Discussion items</span> </h2>
<div class="table-wrap" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; overflow-x: auto">
<table class="confluenceTable" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd;; border-collapse: collapse; mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; color: #333; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 10px 0 0 0; overflow-x: auto; margin-top: 0">
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Time</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Item</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Who</span>
</div> </th>
<th class="confluenceTh" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;background-color: #F0F0F0; font-weight: bold;; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold">
<div class="tablesorter-header-inner">
<span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Notes</span>
</div> </th>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">30 min</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Overview of Asterisk 14</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Matthew Fredrickson</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"> <p style="margin: 10px 0 0 0; margin-top: 0"> <span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">45 min</span> </p> </td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Binaural Audio Changes</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Dennis Guse</span></td>
<td class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">1 hr</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;">Lunch</span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span></td>
<td colspan="1" class="confluenceTd" style="border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px 7px; min-width: 0.6em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 7px 10px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left"><span class="diff-html-removed" style="font-size: 100%; background-color: #ffe7e7; text-decoration: line-through;"> </span></td>
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