Hi Sergio,<br><br>I'm not expert programmer so I have decided to use VLC for its simplicity and especially because my code is a prototype version (as you have seen). What do you suggest to use instead of VLC?<br><br>I have tried the parameters that you have suggested but the results are the same as before. I think the H263p codec of FFmpeg is not good.<br>
<br>The H264 codec implements VBR very well. I can set through the vb (VLC) parameter the bandwidth value and the video changes accordingly. <br><br>Thank you for help<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>_______________________________________<br>
Salvatore Frandina<br>website: <a href="http://frandinas.altervista.org">http://frandinas.altervista.org</a><br>mail: <a href="mailto:salvatore.frandina@gmail.com">salvatore.frandina@gmail.com</a><br><br>_______________________________________<br>