Hi,<br><br>I'm writing a report about videoconference support in Asterisk. I have read in README of AppConference these feature:<br><br>Mixing design<br><br>* Minimize encoding/decoding, minimize mixing.<br>* Minimize generational loss from trancoding.<br>
* Usual cases are handled very efficiently:<br>o <span style="background-color: #ff6666;">One speaker:</span> That speaker's frame is sent directly to each <br>participant which uses the same codec. It is trancoded <br>
_once_ for each additional codec type used by participants.<br>o <font color="#000000"><span style="background-color: #ff6666;">Two speakers: </span></font>Each speaker gets the other speaker's frames. <br>The two speaker's frames are decoded and mixed, and then <br>
encoded _once_ for each codec type used by participants. <br><br>The underline text says that the plug-in can transcode the video...i try with two softphone one with h.263 support and the other with h.264 but the can't see each other, but only myself<br>
Please, can you explain me?<br><br>Thank<br><br>-- <br>_______________________________________<br>Salvatore Frandina<br>website: <a href="http://frandinas.altervista.org">http://frandinas.altervista.org</a><br>mail: <a href="mailto:salvatore.frandina@gmail.com">salvatore.frandina@gmail.com</a><br>