Hi, all<br>I had managed to make a loopback video call on a Motorola K3 phone but there is no audio coming with the video loopback. Is this h324m_loopback designed to loop video only or a bug? <br><br>Anybody elso has this loopback function working with audio? Another question is that what is the difference between h324m_loopback and the video_loopback function?
<br><br>As I know, mobiles are using AMR as default audio codec. Is this no audio in h324m_loopback mode problem to do with AMR codec not officially supported in this project? (I guess maybe not because h324m_loopback is looping back content without decoding them, I'm I right here?)
<br><br>Thanks a lot for your time!<br>Qiao<br><br><br><br><br>