Hello list,<br><br>I have a rather tricky video specific issue, and although it doesn't have much to do with development I hope it is not off topic.<br><br>I try to perform video injection during a call using Asterisk. That is, when two parties A and B are calling each other, I want to be able to play a video clip to one of the parties when the other play a given DTMF. In order to do that, I use the application map in the
features.conf configuration file. I put in line an abstract of my configuration files :<br><br>-- sip.conf --<br><br>[8160]<br>type=friend<br>username=8160<br>secret=******<br>host=dynamic<br>context=default<br>disallow=all
<br>allow=ulaw<br>allow=h263<br>dtmfmode=info<br>canreinvite=yes<br>insecure=very<br><br>-- features.conf --<br><br>[applicationmap]<br>test => 9,peer,Playback,hello-world ; hello-world is a sound clip<br>testVideo => 8,peer,Playback,/tmp/test ; /tmp/test is a video clip encoded with GStreamer
<br><br>-- extensions.conf --<br><br>exten => 8160,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=test#testVideo)<br>exten => 8160,n,Dial(SIP/8160)<br><br>When I call an extension which only performs a Playback of the video clip, the clip is played correctly in the soft phone.
<br><br>I tried two configurations :<br>- When canreinvite is set to "no", When I push the "8" button, i.e. when I emit a DTMF holding "8" as a data, the sound of the video is played to the other party but the video doesn't show up.
<br>- When canreinvite is set to "yes", although the DTMF method is set to info and I receive the INFO message holding "8", Asterisk doesn't trigger any Playback action.<br><br>Do you have any clue or experience with such a problem ?
<br><br>Thank you in advance for your answers,<br><br>Antoine<br>