[Asterisk-video] video extract from 3g

Salih Ahi salih.ahi at endersys.com.tr
Fri Oct 23 02:27:11 CDT 2009

Salih Ahi wrote:
> hi everyone
> I try to get audio and video data by using lib324m from a captured 3g 
> packet. I tried h223read and h223dumb files in the src/test directory 
^^ h223dump
> but couldnt get any results. I can see that h245 messages are processed 
> correctly by looking at the file h245.log but how can i get the actual 
> data into a file??
> I also get some error messages while using h223dump like
> "Received out of order SRP_NSRP_RESPONSE [22]"
> Thanks
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Salih Ahi
Endersys Ltd.
Yazilim Mühendisi / Software Engineer

Phone :+90 312 485 2218 | GSM: +90 542 729 8745
Fax :+90 312 484 8790 | Web:http://www.endersys.com.tr

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