[Asterisk-video] parallel forking with early media

zanet_tomas at libero.it zanet_tomas at libero.it
Fri Jan 30 02:14:11 CST 2009

Hi All,
I'd like to implement the scenario described in the following topic:


Just to summarize, I need to send the early-media video from one-to-many 

First of all, is it possible to implement this feature?
If yes, Could 
someone address me to the right implementation? 

I'd like to know if these 
changes will affect only on creation of a new application (e.g. new Dial 
application) or will also affect the chan_sip.c and other core files (like rtp.
Because I wouldn't want to modify the original files of Asterisk but only 
create a new application for it (e.g. app_fork())...

In your opinion, is this 
feature difficult to be implemented?
Can someone help me, please? 

Thanks in 
Best Regards,


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