[Asterisk-video] MPEG4 part 2 video support

Florian Greb florian.greb at viif.de
Wed Mar 26 13:24:02 CDT 2008

Hello list,
we've had some trouble with video quality with H.263, which does not
seem to be optimal.
A guy from radvision states here
( http://www.commsdesign.com/design_corner/OEG20030128S0010 ): 
"The 3G-324M standard calls out the H.263 codec as mandatory and MPEG-4
as recommended codec for video processing. However, MPEG-4 is the
3G-324M standard de-facto used by all major supporting vendors.
Resiliency and high efficiency make MPEG-4 codec particularly well
suited for 3G-324M."
He continues by praising the error resilience features of MPEG4 part2:
"As stated above, error resilience is achieved through
resynchronization, byte alignment, data partitioning the reversible
variable length code (RVLC), adaptive intra refresh (AIR), and error
detection and concealment. Let's look at each of these in more detail."
Having read that, we'd like to use MPEG4 part 2 simple profile 1 level 0
as the video codec. 
Looking at this patch (http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=8663) from
2006, Asterisk should already be able to pass MPEG4 part2 video.
As support for this MPEG4 part 2 codec is not mandatory, every video
played must be available in both formats, and there must be a way to
select the respective file according to the video codec negotiated by
Furthermore, there is the need for an asterisk app to play and save
The only mails I found in the Asterisk Video archive
( http://www.asteriskguru.com/archives/asterisk-video-how-to-integrate-mpeg4visual-h264-mpeg4-p-vt108615.html?highlight=mpeg4 and http://www.asteriskguru.com/archives/asterisk-video-integrating-mpeg4-video-codec-in-asterisk-vt85784.html?highlight=mpeg4 ) are not really helpful.
So, my questions are:
Has anybody ever done it? 
Is there any patch?
Are there any Experiences?
Are there other things needed to change?
Is this guy from radvision right? Do most mobile phones really support
MPEG4 part2 and has it really better video quality?
Every answer is welcome! :-)
Kind regards,


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