[Asterisk-video] amr audio quality

Andrew Buchanan Andrew.Buchanan at ThinkTel.ca
Tue Jul 15 12:18:51 CDT 2008

Hi Klaus,

Using an external microphone with the camera produces acceptable audio.
I do think the audio quality was somewhat better using the camera's
native active-x control, but using an external microphone gives much
better results anyways.  I can start with this anyways, I think app_rtsp
has more jitter in the audio or that the conversion process is
responsible for the quality difference.  I will play with app_mp4 in the
future and report back my findings.  I will be away for a week or so it
may be the end of the month before I look at that.

This particular series of camera (Vivotek 7000 dual-stream cameras with
latest firmware) also support two-way audio using a somewhat proprietary
sip implementation for the upstream and g711u. So in theory I should be
able to open an upstream connection in app_rtsp and have two-way audio
with video.  That's my goal anyways.  Do you know if anybody has done
something similar?  I'd rather help build on existing work if it's
already out there.  I'm assuming maybe the h323m stuff for video calling
would be a good place to look first.

Thanks Klaus, I appreciate your time.

Andrew Buchanan 

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