[Asterisk-video] outgoing video-calls don't work

barbara_b02 at libero.it barbara_b02 at libero.it
Wed Feb 27 09:02:47 CST 2008

Hi all!
Hi Klaus! And thank you for you kindness.
I've made what you said during a SIP->3G call and this is the result:

pc001*CLI> core show channels
Channel           Location              State   Application(Data)             
mISDN/1-u28       dialcell at sip_to_cell  Up      (None)                        
SIP/101-081dd8c8  03934714462 at default:  Up      h324m_call(dialcell at sip_to_cell)
2 active channels
1 active call

pc001*CLI> core show channel SIP/101-081dd8c8
 -- General --
           Name: SIP/101-081dd8c8
           Type: SIP
       UniqueID: 1204105767.16
      Caller ID: 101
 Caller ID Name: 101
    DNID Digits: 03934714462
          State: Up (6)
          Rings: 0
  NativeFormats: 0x100008 (alaw|h263p)
    WriteFormat: 0x2000 (amr)
     ReadFormat: 0x2000 (amr)
 WriteTranscode: Yes
  ReadTranscode: Yes
1st File Descriptor: 28
      Frames in: 1933
     Frames out: 0
 Time to Hangup: 0
   Elapsed Time: 0h0m43s
  Direct Bridge: <none>
Indirect Bridge: <none>
 --   PBX   --
        Context: default
      Extension: 03934714462
       Priority: 2
     Call Group: 0
   Pickup Group: 0
    Application: h324m_call
           Data: dialcell at sip_to_cell
    Blocking in: ast_waitfor_nandfds
SIPUSERAGENT=X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150
SIPURI=sip:101 at

  CDR Variables:
level 1: clid="101" <101>
level 1: src=101
level 1: dst=03934714462
level 1: dcontext=default
level 1: channel=SIP/101-081dd8c8
level 1: lastapp=h324m_call
level 1: lastdata=dialcell at sip_to_cell
level 1: start=2008-02-27 10:49:27
level 1: answer=2008-02-27 10:49:38
level 1: end=2008-02-27 10:49:38
level 1: duration=0
level 1: billsec=0
level 1: disposition=ANSWERED
level 1: amaflags=DOCUMENTATION
level 1: accountcode=support
level 1: uniqueid=1204105767.16

pc001*CLI> core show channel mISDN/1-u28
 -- General --
           Name: mISDN/1-u28
           Type: mISDN
       UniqueID: 1204105767.17
      Caller ID: dialcell
 Caller ID Name: (N/A)
    DNID Digits: (N/A)
          State: Up (6)
          Rings: 0
  NativeFormats: 0x8 (alaw)
    WriteFormat: 0x4 (ulaw)
     ReadFormat: 0x4 (ulaw)
 WriteTranscode: Yes
  ReadTranscode: Yes
1st File Descriptor: 40
      Frames in: 1829
     Frames out: 1149
 Time to Hangup: 0
   Elapsed Time: 0h0m30s
  Direct Bridge: <none>
Indirect Bridge: <none>
 --   PBX   --
        Context: sip_to_cell
      Extension: dialcell
       Priority: 1
     Call Group: 0
   Pickup Group: 0
    Application: (N/A)
           Data: (None)
    Blocking in: ast_waitfor_nandfds
BRIDGEPEER=Local/dialcell at sip_to_cell-f09e,2

  CDR Variables:
level 1: clid=101
level 1: src=101
level 1: dst=03934714462
level 1: dcontext=default
level 1: channel=mISDN/0-u22
level 1: start=2008-02-27 10:49:27
level 1: answer=2008-02-27 10:49:38
level 1: end=2008-02-27 10:49:38
level 1: duration=0
level 1: billsec=0
level 1: disposition=ANSWERED
level 1: amaflags=DOCUMENTATION
level 1: uniqueid=1204105767.19

Moreover Asterisk gives a lot of the sequet messages:
[Feb 27 14:44:55] NOTICE[27572]: rtp.c:1285 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''

Changing in h324m_call (in app_h324m.c) the format AST_FORMAT_ALAW|AST_FORMAT_ULAW  to either, ALAW or ULAW, nothing changes...

I don't know what else to do...

Thanks, thanks thanks...
Barbara B.

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