[Asterisk-video] app_rtsp

Sergio Garcia Murillo sergio.garcia at fontventa.com
Thu Mar 8 11:26:35 MST 2007

Hi all

I have just added a new application to the list. 
It's app_rtsp (http://sip.fontventa.com/content/view/27/54/) and 
it does what it's supposed to do, connect to a rtsp server and 
play an url.

I think it can be very usefull for integrating network cameras in
 any video ivr service (I have tested it with app_mp4 and the 
results are very impresive :)

I have only tested with a vivotek mpeg4 camera so probably there 
would be a lot of bugs still, if you find any, well, just tell me...

As many cameras are mainly mpeg4 I'm preparing a video transcoder 
application to be able to use it with a h263 videophone and also
with the h324m gateway.

Sergio García
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