Hello. All.<br> I am a bit new to asterisk, started from half a month ago. <br> I am setting up a home asterisk server with analog card. I am using asterisk 1.4.27. <br> At the moment, I bought a X100P card and installed it on my computer. I used it to connect my home phone line. For the moment, it works fine when dial in. Soon I noticed when I dial out through it to my mobile, it can't hang up automatically after I hang up my mobile. After googled, I found the reason as described as below link and some solutions.<br>
<a href="http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/resolving_hangup_detection_problems_fxo_tdm_voicemail.html">http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/resolving_hangup_detection_problems_fxo_tdm_voicemail.html</a><br>For me, none of solutions works. <br>
So I am rethinking should I buy another TDM400P card. <br> But I am wondering because in China. The phone system looks different so I don't know if TDM400P will work or not.<br><br> Here is the flow when I am using X100P to dial out.<br>
1. Pick up phone<br>I hear tone. DA~~~<br>2. press the number <br>tone: DA~~~<br>3. dialing~~~~<br>No more tone. Music playing~~~~~(lalala, I love lalal)<br>At the same time, on asterisk console, it prints out. "The call has been answered". <br>
Actually it is still dialing and my mobile is ringing because I didn't answer the call.. The music was played by ISP <br>4. whether I answered the call or refuse the call. No more prints on asterisk console. <br>But on phone end, when I refuse the call, instead of busytone, I hear the voice "The phone you're dialing is busy now. Please try again later.".<br>
So the whole thing is, during the whole call process, only before dialing, we can hear the phone tone, for all other time, Dialing, refused, the ISP will play music/voice instead of providing the tone. I don't understand how x100p identify the status, I guess should be on the tone. <br>
5. I wait asterisk/x100p to hangup the call and after 5 minutes, I have to cut the phone line to force it hang up.<br><br>So can TDM400X work with such a system without tone only with music and voice?<br><br>Thanks.<br>Regards.<br>