Hello,<br><br>In this list archives, you can find here and there threads related to Property Management System support in Asterisk.<br>Google shows this doc (<a href="http://www.mitel.com/resources/guide_8922_misn.pdf">http://www.mitel.com/resources/guide_8922_misn.pdf</a>) which gives an interesting overview of this topic.<br>
<br>1. Is this Station Message Detail Recording widely used between PBXs and call accounting software ?<br>2. Are you aware of a protocol allowing guest telephones provisionning (when a guest checks in, its telephone is activated and personnalized) ?<br>
3. What amount of work would it take to develop an SMDR interface in Asterisk. It seems several people have done (or planned to) this and a return of experience would be appreciated.<br>4. What is the most widely used call accounting software in Hotel sector ?<br>
<br>Best regards<br>