Hi list,<br><br>I'm trying to get ready the MP-104 FXO to use qith my box, but when I send calls I hear only dial tone and after a few seconds I get busy signal.<br><br>I very appreciate your advices.<br><br>Command line results and SIPconfigurations follows:<br>
<br><b>CLI></b><br> -- Executing [7991696900@total:1] Playback("SIP/101-09dd8918", "beep") in new stack<br> -- <SIP/101-09dd8918> Playing 'beep' (language 'es')<br> -- Executing [7991696900@total:4] Dial("SIP/101-09dd8918", "SIP/201/991696900") in new stack<br>
-- Called 201/991696900<br> -- SIP/201-09ddc890 answered SIP/101-09dd8918<br><br><br><b>sip.conf</b><br>[201]<br>secret = ****<br>
callerid = Mobile_01 <201><br>
type = friend<br>host = dynamic<br>context = total<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833<br>qualify = yes<br>call-limit=5<br>disallow = all<br>allow = gsm<br>allow = ulaw<br>allow = alaw<br>allow = g729<br><br>