<div> We are using Asterisk + java based Pd Dialer. Cisco 7040 IP Phone we are using as extensions or Agent phones.</div>
<div>currntly we set NAT keep alive time less as possible & registartion time= 25 sec instaed of 3600. But following issues we are facing & im not sure whther its due to internal netwokr issue where that Phoen are placed or Asterisk or java application issue.</div>
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<div>Porblem is when CRM pop up at agent pc for new calls no calls comes on respective agent cisco ip phone as its not regsitred.</div>
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<div>My concern is how we can check why that cisco phone lost registartion is teher any harware or firmware issue, Local network issue or NAT issue as we remove firewall at cisco phone side due to we think its NAT issue.</div>
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<div>Also how we can check or capture from Asterisk server side or local LAn side at phoen area why that phoen lost regsitration or its Asterisk issue only?</div>
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<div>plesae help me with possibilities to debug & solve this issue.</div>
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<div>Thanks & Regards</div>
<div>Amit </div>