Hi,<br><br>I would like to improve my understanding of T.38.<br><br>1. What T38FAX_VERSION_0 or T38FAX_VERSION_1 in chan_sip.c means ?<br><a href="http://voip-info.org">voip-info.org</a> implies one has to change values in chan_sip.c to make it work.<br>
Shall I set T38FAX_VERSION_1 or leave T38FAX_VERSION_0 in global_t38_capability ?<br>Source code says "<span style="color: red;">This is default: NO MMR and JBIG trancoding, NO fill bit removal, transferredTCF TCF, UDP FEC, Version 0 and 9600 max fax rate"</span><br>
What does "Version 0" relates to in this aboxe line ? MMR and JBIG transcoding ?<br><br>2. A softphone like Zoiper is able to receive voice or fax calls. When setting those values (see bellow) in sip.conf, does it mean :<br>
"t38/udptl will be chosen if a fax signal is detected somewhere in the path. If none, then alaw would be picked"<br><br>t38pt_udptl=yes<br>t38pt_rtp=no<br>t38pt_tcp=no<br>disallow=all<br>allow=alaw<br><br>3. How do you reload updtl.conf ?<br>