<div dir="ltr">Dear Sir,<br><br>I have an openSer+asterisk installed and running smoothly...I configured OpenSer to send calls with a specific dial petterns to be routed to Asterisk...What I need now is to create a dial plan that send all calls coming from OpenSer to a specific provider...SO I have created a trunk under sip.conf as follow:<br>
<br>[openser]<br>type=peer<br>context=openser<br>host=OpenSer_IP<br>disallow=all<br>allow=ulaw<br>allow=alaw<br>allow=g729<br>dtmfmode = RFC2833<br><br>Ineed please to let me know how to create a Dial Plan under extensions.conf that route all calls coming from the openser context to a specific carrier IP<br>