<div dir="ltr">Dear All,<br>I have the below settings on my asterisk server and I need to know if there is a any problem in a setting regarding performance or security..Please check and let me know:<br><br><br>Global Settings:<br>
----------------<br> SIP Port: 5060<br> Bindaddress: IP_ADDRESS<br> Videosupport: No<br> AutoCreatePeer: No<br> Allow unknown access: Yes<br> Allow subscriptions: Yes<br>
Allow overlap dialing: Yes<br> Promsic. redir: No<br> SIP domain support: Yes<br> Call to non-local dom.: Yes<br> URI user is phone no: No<br> Our auth realm asterisk<br> Realm. auth: No<br>
Always auth rejects: No<br> Call limit peers only: No<br> Direct RTP setup: No<br> User Agent: Asterisk PBX<br> MWI checking interval: 10 secs<br> Reg. context: (not set)<br> Caller ID: asterisk<br>
From: Domain: <br> Record SIP history: Off<br> Call Events: Off<br> IP ToS SIP: none<br> IP ToS RTP audio: none<br> IP ToS RTP video: none<br> T38 fax pt UDPTL: No<br>
RFC2833 Compensation: No<br> SIP realtime: Enabled<br><br>Global Signalling Settings:<br>---------------------------<br> Codecs: 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)<br> Codec Order: g729:20,ulaw:20,alaw:20,gsm:20<br>
T1 minimum: 100<br> Relax DTMF: No<br> Compact SIP headers: No<br> RTP Keepalive: 0 (Disabled)<br> RTP Timeout: 0 (Disabled)<br> RTP Hold Timeout: 0 (Disabled)<br>
MWI NOTIFY mime type: application/simple-message-summary<br> DNS SRV lookup: Yes<br> Pedantic SIP support: No<br> Reg. min duration 60 secs<br> Reg. max duration: 3600 secs<br> Reg. default duration: 120 secs<br>
Outbound reg. timeout: 20 secs<br> Outbound reg. attempts: 0<br> Notify ringing state: Yes<br> Notify hold state: No<br> SIP Transfer mode: open<br> Max Call Bitrate: 384 kbps<br> Auto-Framing: No <br>
localhost*CLI> <br>Default Settings:<br>-----------------<br> Context: default<br> Nat: RFC3581<br> DTMF: rfc2833<br> Qualify: 0<br> Use ClientCode: No<br>
Progress inband: Never<br> Language: (Defaults to English)<br> MOH Interpret: default<br> MOH Suggest: <br> Voice Mail Extension: asterisk<br><br>Realtime SIP Settings:<br>
----------------------<br> Realtime Peers: Yes<br> Realtime Users: Yes<br> Cache Friends: No<br> Update: Yes<br> Ignore Reg. Expire: No<br> Save sys. name: No<br>
Auto Clear: 120<br><br>Thanks a lot<br><br></div>