Hi guys,<br><br>I'm recording all the calls ingressing to a queue using FreePBX, but the output file is, for example, this:<br><br>q501-20080601-072010-1212322768.57.wav <br><br>Where 501 is the queue name, 20080601 is year+month+date, 072010 is the hour, and 1212322768 is date+hour in unixtime format.<br>
<br>I want to change the output file name in something like this: QUEUENAME-DATETIME-AGENT-CALLID (501-20080601_0720-AGENT50-5551234)<br><br>As I said, I'm using FreePBX to configure Asterisk, so I can't do changes in extensions.conf or extensions_additional.conf.<br>
<br>Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>