I'm trying to get asterisk to proxy h263 for a video call, but not having any luck. I have posted a full call trace here:<br><br><a href="http://pastebin.com/d330aecb5">http://pastebin.com/d330aecb5</a><br><br>While watching a full packet dump on the asterisk node, I can see the h263 coming in from the clients, but it never leaves (asterisk never originates 1 h263 packet). You can see on line 123 of the pastebin that the calls get setup without video but then h263 is renegotiated on line 456. The second end point sets up h263 on line 313. I'm pretty lost as to how I can get asterisk to play nice. This is Asterisk <a href=""></a><br>
<br>my sip conf looks like the following:<br><br>[general]<br>type=friend<br>host=dynamic<br>context=incoming<br>srvlookup=yes<br>canreinvite=no<br>videosupport=yes<br>qualify=yes<br>nat=yes<br>host=dynamic ; This device registers with us<br>
disallow=all ;better for custom-tunning codec selection<br>allow=ulaw<br>allow=alaw<br>allow=h263 ; H.263 is our video codec<br>allow=h263p ; H.263p is the enhanced video codec<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; inband is not supported in compressed codecs like gsm, so we better set it to rfc2833<br>
<br><br>[miles_8920_lap]<br>type=friend<br>host=dynamic<br>secret=*****<br>context=internal_devices ; the internal_devices context controls what we can do<br>mailbox=8920@sixsquares<br>callerid= Miles Scruggs <8920><br>
canreinvite=no<br> <br>[jon_8926_desk]<br><br>type=friend<br>host=dynamic<br>secret=*****<br>context=internal_devices<br>mailbox=8926@sixsquares<br>callerid=Jonathan Larsen <8926><br>canreinvite=no<br><br>