<html><body>Hello,<br><br>Colors in the CLI have helped me ignore notices/warnings, etc and concentrate better on stuff that I want to look out for during testing.<br><br>I've noticed that a simple restart would not bring back the colors in the CLI. Asterisk needs to either start on boot, or start by way of safe_asterisk to have colors in the CLI.<br><br>To top this, I always restart asterisk nightly. <br>My restart script code:<br><br>#!/bin/bash<br>time=`date`<br>echo "I ran at $time" >> /root/asterisklog<br>/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "stop now"<br>/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk<br><br>This basically shows that safe_asterisk is being defined, YET everytime the restart script is executed by crontab, I don't see the colors. Unless ofcourse I manually stop now, and safe_asterisk.<br><br>What gives?<br>I just want to have an auto restart, and CLI with colors!<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Mark.<br><br></body></html>