Hi...<br>Im problem is this, i have a asterisk server (FC8 - kernel 2.6.24) a the asterisk version is <a href="http://1.4.18.">1.4.18.</a><br>If in the machine is all ok, i can stop start the asterisk service no prob, my problem is when in another server (in my case, debian etch 4) using the ssh the stop service is ok, but the start service dosend finalise.<br>
Like this:<br>ssh etx9 'sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk stop'<br>operacao@DB2:~$ ssh etx9 'sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk stop'<br>Shutting down asterisk: [ OK ]<br>stop<br><br>ssh etx9 'sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start'<br>
operacao@DB2:~$ ssh etx9 'sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start'<br>start ini<br>Starting asterisk: [ OK ]<br>decrease the verbosity level to zero: OK<br>start fim<br><br>and just stays there, like waiting for something.<br>
So if someone can help, please do i dont have any more ideias.<br><br>Thanks<br>Bruno Pereira<br>