Hi,<br> <br>
I am new to asterisk configuration.<br>
I want to get <span class="highlight">called</span> <span class="highlight">number</span> in <span class="highlight">features.conf</span>. <br>
I am defining a feature in <span class="highlight">features.conf</span> and that feature got executed on pressing a particular DTMF key sequence. <br>
As I want to execute my own application on pressing that key which will use <span class="highlight">called</span> <span class="highlight">number</span>.<br> <br>
testfeature => 3,peer,AGI,StoreNumber|<CalledNumber><br> <br>
Here I want to use <span class="highlight">called</span> <span class="highlight">number</span> in place of <CalledNumber> tag. When I use any variable <b>${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} </b>then it does not resolve the variable in <span class="highlight">features.conf</span>.<br>
<br>if i use following then it does not work.<br><br>testfeature => 3,peer,AGI,StoreNumber|<b>${DIALEDPEERNUMBER}<br><br>*StoreNumber is my own application that stores the number.<br></b><br>
Any idea as how I can use CalledNumber in <span class="highlight">features.conf</span>?<br> <br> <br>
Please help.<br> <br>
Thanks in Advance <br> <br>
Regards<br> <br>