Hi folks,<br><br>I was recently made aware that the only way to currently set custom fields in a relational database for CDR is via the experimental cdr_adaptive_odbc drivers found here: <a href="http://svncommunity.digium.com/view/tilghman/branches/1.4/cdr_adaptive_odbc.c?view=log">
http://svncommunity.digium.com/view/tilghman/branches/1.4/cdr_adaptive_odbc.c?view=log</a><br><br>I had no problem compiling the driver, and copied the module to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules on my box and setup /etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf with the following:
<br><br>[first]<br>connection=Asterisk-MySQL<br>table=cdr<br><br>My question is<br><br>a) How do I get asterisk to switch to the new module? <br><br>CDR logging: enabled<br>CDR mode: simple<br>CDR output unanswered calls: no
<br>CDR registered backend: ODBC<br>CDR registered backend: csv<br>CDR registered backend: cdr-custom<br>CDR registered backend: cdr_manager<br><br><br>Looks like I'm still using the older stuff.<br><br>Ultimately my goal is to set a custom field in my CDR table that I will populate with variables in my dialplan using the Set() application with something such as:
<br><br>; Set(CDR(dst_ext)=${DST_EXT})<br><br>Thanks again for your help.<br><br>- sf<br>