Nicholas Blasgen wrote:<br><br>> I've got a very nice PHP AGI script but I want to be able to do some<br>> database cleanup when the user hangs up the phone. I wish everyone would<br>> hang up when they were suposed to, but some people don't. So what does
<br>> Asterisk send to an AGI file when the line has been disconnected?<br><br>> If I<br>> remember reading somewhere correctly, I don't need to use DeadAGI. Instead<br>> I'm able to use normal AGI but I just need to catch a SIGTERM or something
<br>> like that and process it.<br><br>
<br>Nicholas,<br><br>I solved that using the following extension:<br><br>exten => h,1,DeadAGI(log_exit.php)<br><br>If you catch any signals you're 'cheating' asterisk.<br>Using the 'h' extension and DeadAGI should be fine.