Hello all,<br>i am Presently working on integration of<br>asterisk and openser<br><br>i have a doubt regarding the asterisk .<br><br>if you take openser when users register it stores the users<br> in location table whether the users running behind NAT or on global ips
<br>and when comes to asterisk where does it store ?<br><br>because i have seen the documentation of integration of asterisk<br>and openser realtime and content there talked about realtime <br>integration of subscriber and
sip.conf tables .<br><br>and i dont want to register users under asterisk so it should fetch <br>the location of users from location table of openser <br><br>can above fetching mechanism from openser to asterisk using database
<br>views be possible?<br clear="all"><br>Thanks in advance <br>Srinivas Antarvedi<br>