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Im sure its not a circular include.<br>
Like you said its mostly realted to the number of nested includes but
the exact meaning is not clear to me.<br>
Anyways to get it working I have consolidated most of my queue config
files and am not including anything from files that are included.<br>
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:20070621082555.GZ32292@xorcom.com" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 12:35:30PM +0530, Deepak Bhat wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Hi all,
I am using asterisk version 1.2.18.
I recently tried to change my asterisk configuration by using #include
statements to include other config files in my extensions.conf and
queues.conf files.
My queues.conf is in /etc/asterisk. It includes several files which are
in /etc/asterisk/queues. Each of these files contains the config of
individual queues.
Again each of the individual queue config files in /etc/asterisk/queues
includes files which are in /etc/asterisk/queues/queue_members.
The problem is that when I reload this config I get the following error: -
*WARNING: Maaximum include level exceeded : 10*
Has anyone encoutered this before and does anyone know what it means ??
Any help will be deeply appreciated as I have been unable to find any
documentation on this.
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Sounds like a circular include:
in extensions.conf:
#include extensions.conf
The circle may include more than one file.
To trac this, enable debugging and debug logging. There is a debug
comment for each included file.
Unless you really have such a complex nesting structure of include files
and want that constant changed. That it easy to do by a code change. I
don't really see a reason to make this configurable, until someone shows
me a case where this does not indicate a circular include.
Hmmm... so should the error message be changed to:
*WARNING: Maaximum include level exceeded : 10. Check for circular