<font size="4"><tt>Hello,<br><br>We have 32 DECT clients connected to a Kirk Wireless 600/v3, the Kirk</tt><br><tt>server is connected to an Asterisk 1.2.17 with realtime configuration</tt><br><tt>(MySQL).</tt><br><br><tt>
Our problem is that our Asterisk Server uses the latest inserted user</tt><br><tt>to places calls each time a call is made.</tt><br><br><tt>Exemple: we have 3 phones with number: 618, 670, 610. The number 610 is</tt><br><tt>
the latest inserted phone in the Asterisk server. If the user 618 calls</tt><br><tt>the number 670 the user of the 670 phone will see the number 610 on the</tt><br><tt>phone display.<br><br>someone have a solution ?<br></tt>
<br><tt></tt><tt>Thanks for your help,</tt><br><br><tt>Vincent Renaville</tt><br></font>