<div>Hi guys, I have recently installed a Asterisk Server with CDR Call Detail Records. I have installed it over a Asterisk 1.2 , but now It do not run . I have installed it with the following procedure:</div>
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<div># yum install ncurses</div>
<p>#yum install openh323-devel<br># yum install mysql-server<br># yum install mysql<br># yum install php-gd<br># yum install php-mysql<br># yum install mysqlclient10</p>
<p># yum install zlib<br># yum install zlib-devel<br># yum install ncurses-devel</p>
<p>Install perl support</p>
<p>perl -MCPAN -e "install DBD::mysql"</p>
<p> I compile /usr/src/asterisk-addons as follows: </p>
<p> # ./configure<br> # make clean <br> # make install </p>
<p> In the file /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf </p>
<p> </p>
<p><br>In the File asterisk-stat</p>
<p>define ("WEBROOT", "<a href=""></a>");<br>define ("FSROOT", "/var/www/html/asterisk-stat-v2/");<br>define ("LIBDIR", FSROOT."lib/");
<br>define ("HOST", "localhost");<br>define ("PORT", "3306");<br>define ("USER", "asterisk");<br>define ("PASS", "strongpass");<br>define ("DBNAME", "asteriskcdrdb");
<br>define ("DB_TYPE", "mysql"); // mysql or postgres<br>define ("DB_TABLENAME", "cdr");</p>
<p> When I compile asterisk-addons it pass very good, but I do not build the file <strong>cdr_addon_mysql.so</strong> </p>
<p>Do you have similar problem ? Thanks for your response. Excuseme for my english, it is not my native language.</p></div>
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