Hi,<br><br>During off hours, a server of mine simply forward incoming calls to an outside number, so that no user is locally available to report or notify downtimes.<br>As availability is here a major requirement, I'm looking for a cost effective and reliable way to monitor this server.
<br><br>Should I simply call every 10 minutes, a dedicated extension to check PSTN lines and server availability or is there a smarter way to do it ?<br><br>Setup:<br>Nagios ----- Monitoring Asterisk ---------- PSTN ---------- Monitored Asterisk --------- VPN access ------www ------- Back to Monitoring Asterisk
<br><br>With this a single check would test PSTN lines, asterisk server and VPN access availability.<br>I don't think it should be very difficult to trigger a call from Nagios.<br><br>Regards<br>