Thanks for the response!<br><br>I've been reading and trying things and I cannot find a way to do a supervised transfer using this topology:<br>pstn line -> norstar (ext 123) -> ATA -> (fxo zap/1) asterisk<br><br>
Because if I do a flash() and a SendDTMF() to transfer the extension I have to Hungup(), otherwise it never reaches the called extension. So if I do a Hangup() I cannot know of the result of the call.<br><br>I think that the only way is going to be like this:
<br>pstn line -> norstar (ext 123) -> ATA -> (fxo zap/1) asterisk (fxo zap/2) -> ATA -> (ext 321) norstar<br><br>With that topology I'll be able to do a DIAL() on the other zap (zap/2) and with that know the state of the call.
<br>The problem with this topology is that for 5 lines is gonna be expensive and difficult to find 10 ATAs!<br><br>If you have any suggestions and configurations they will be very appreciated.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br><br>--
<br>Gustavo Berman<br>Sysadmin<br>Depto. Informatica<br>Universidad Nacional del Comahue<br>Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche