Hello,<br><br>I know little to nothing about asterisk. I am currently reading info online but was looking for other links as to good places to start. I basically just need to use asterisk to create a prototype. I need to demo a system that will allow the user to call a number, enter in some data, the backend then queries our db and returns results to the user via the phone. I've been told this can be done with asterisk so need to get started. This may never turn into an actual project so just need the minimal amount of work now to get it working. Any way to use a softphone or whatever to call, have the PBX prompt for info, receive it and then query the db and read the results to the user is what I want to do. The back end code will probably be PHP but can be in something else if needed.
<br><br><br>I am currently looking here<br>;<br><a href="http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+AGI">http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+AGI</a><br><br>Are there other places to start? Is there a place to get an asterisk box/number set up for testing?