In my setup, sip calls coming in through a proxy with a sip.conf entry set to "autocreatepeer=yes" and context="proxy" get placed into context proxy in the dial plan. That is expected.<br><br>However, if the username in the From: address exists in the sippeers table, it gets challenged for the password and on success is dropped into context "default," even if the sip domain is not being served by asterisk.
<br><br>What could be the problem?<br><br>Here is my sip.conf:<br><br>[general]<br>Autocreatepeer = no<br>context=default<br>domain = <a href=""></a><br>domain = <a href=""></a><br>
realm=<a href=""></a><br>bindport=5060<br>bindaddr=<a href=""></a><br>allow=g729,ulaw,alaw,speex,gsm<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833<br>rtcachefriends=yes<br>;bindaddr=<a href="">
</a><br>srvlookup=yes<br>rtpkeepalive=1000<br>rtupdate=yes<br>port=5060<br>defaultexpirey=3600<br>tos=0x18<br>insecure=no<br><br>[ser]<br>type=peer<br>context=ser<br>host=<a href=""></a><br>canreinvite=yes