I'm seeing an interesting problem in asterisk:<br>asterisk has domain <a href="http://a.com">a.com</a> and the sip proxy has domain <a href="http://b.com">b.com</a>.<br>The sip proxy is configured as a friend in sip.conf.<br>
If a call comes in to asterisk from the sip proxy,<br> if ${EXTEN} exists in the sippeers table<br> the call goes to the default context<br> else<br> the call goes into the ser context<br><br>Why would that happen? Is this expected?
<br><br>sip.conf has:<br>[ser]<br>type=friend<br>context=proxy<br>host=<a href=""></a><br>canreinvite=yes<br>autocreatepeer=yes<br>;monitored=true<br>context=ser<br><br><br>Thanks<br>Mark<br>