Hi,<br><br>It looks like Voice quality is more and more frequently embedded in phones themselves, mostly with RTCP statistics.<br>I've understood RFC3550 is a first step and RFC3611 goes one step further with MOS and R-factor mesurement.
<br><br>I suppose that best practices should include a way to monitor those Voice quality statistics from a monitoring hub and trigger call routing to improve voice quality when desirable.<br><br>I'm not aware of any SIP hardphone complying to RFC3611 though a couple of SIP softphones claim to.
<br>Among those softphone, I'm aware of Counterpath's eyeBeam (which embed Telchemy VQMon software) and Kapanga.<br><br>I think I once contacted Telchemy to know SIP hardphone vendors they dealed with but couldn't get any reply.
<br><br>So, that leaves RFC3550 compliant hardphones.<br>I think Cisco's are RFC3550 compliant.<br><br>Hope this helps ...<br><br><br>