Hi,<br><br>How would you best learn VoIP Quality of Experience ?<br><br>Before diving into packet loss and jitter, I would like to know what a toll-quality call is, what a rated 3.5 MOS call is like.<br>I'm wondering how I should proceed.
<br><br>Shall I :<br>- get pre-recorded sound files somewhere and simply stream them to a MOS enabled softphone (Counterpath sells eye-beam which includes a telchemy MOS rating module),<br>- or shall I install some network impairment software, generate VoIP trafic and tweak myself jitter and other parameters so that I can associate network measures to call quality ?
<br><br>I've never heard of any sound files library aimed to learn what the impact of packet is like for end user experience.<br>I've seen here and there network simulators (some of them free of charge) but it seems tricky to tune them to VoIP (is a 10% packet loss realistic or not ?).
<br><br>To make myself perfectly clear, my ultimate goal is to better undestand users testimonies when they warn me about poor quality phone calls.<br><br>Regards<br>