Hello -<br> Hope someone can help on this. We are experiencing incredibly high latency with IAX calls; however not so under SIP calls with identical setups. We have tried multiple IAX clients.<br><br> We have tested with two Asterisk setups - one on the local network running on a OS X and another on a remote server running Redhat. One is
<a href=""></a> (Mac) and the other is 1.2.10 (Redhat). We are experiencing the same problems.<br clear="all"><br>We have tried with and without jitterbuffer (jitterbuffer=yes/no in iax.con). More or less the same result. Here is an example of what we get when running iax2 show netstats
<br><br>*CLI> iax2 show netstats<br> -------- LOCAL --------------------- -------- REMOTE --------------------<br>Channel RTT Jit Del Lost % Drop OOO Kpkts Jit Del Lost % Drop OOO Kpkts
<br>IAX2/usa-3 5 0 40 0 0 0 0 7 1727 510 171 5 12 1775 2<br>IAX2/china-4 20 0 40 0 0 0 0 3 241 289 132 3 67 4242 6<br>
<br><br>However, sometimes it will fluctuate so that the jitter in the remote drops to sub 200...and then it will fluctuate back up. Again, with SIP on the same network and setup we never experience delays.<br><br>Any suggestions/help would be much appreciated.
<br><br>Thanks,<br>Jonathan<br><br>-- <br>Jonathan Palley | Idapted Inc.<br><a href="mailto:jpalley@idapted.com">jpalley@idapted.com</a>