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<div>Iīm looking for settings to configure net2phone carrier in my asterisk. I found this configurations, but itīs not work. I donīt known if this configuration is for voice line or voice access account.</div>
<div>Anybody can help me, with other configuration? </div>
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<div><strong>sip.conf</strong> <br>[general] <br>useragent = X-Lite release 1103m <br>register => <a href="mailto:PHONENUMBER:PASSWORD@sip.net2phone.com">PHONENUMBER:PASSWORD@sip.net2phone.com</a> <br><br>[net2phone]
<br>type = peer <br>host = <a href="http://sip.net2phone.com">sip.net2phone.com</a> <br>username = PHONENUMBER <br>secret = PASSWORD <br>fromuser = PHONENUMBER <br>fromdomain = <a href="http://net2phone.com">net2phone.com
</a> <br>context = incoming <br>insecure = very <br>canreinvite = no <br><br><b>extensions.conf</b> <br>[outgoing] <br>exten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/net2phone/${EXTEN:1}) </div>