<font face="arial" size="2">Hi everyone<br /><br /> My problem is the following:<br /> I'm trying to make a call from a sip phone (SJphone) behind a Restricted Cone NAT towards and Asterisk behind another NAT<br />(a freeBSD 3.3 using pf). By now I'm only trying to play a record set in the remote Asterisk.<br /><br /> My soft phone registers without problems to the Asterisk but once the record starts to play I get a hangup. SJphone outputs<br />"End reason: Unable to agree on media streams". <br /><br /> I'm forwarding SIP and IAX ports from the remote NAT towards the Asterisk box (i've tryied it with IAX with no problems) using<br />the following config in the remote NAT:<br /><br /> /etc/pf.conf<br /> .....<br /> # outgoing UDP port 5060 connections use source port 5060 on firewall<br /> nat on $ext_if inet proto udp from any port = 5060 to any -> ($ext_if) port 5060<br /><br /> # Redirect all trafic from NAT:asterisk_port to<br /> rdr on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 4569 -> port 4569<br /> rdr on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to $ext_if port 5060 -> port 5060<br /> rdr on $ext_if inet proto { tcp , udp} from any to any port 10000:20000 -> port 10000:20000<br /><br /> # Let the Internet see our services<br /> pass in log-all quick on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 4569 keep state <br /> pass in log-all quick on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 5060 keep state <br /> .....<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /> I think the problem might relay in this "pass in log-all" since once I commented the last line and the SJphone was unable to<br />register, but I haven't found a way to set up a range using this "pass" command (it complains saying that the " : " is valid only<br />with the "rdr " command) but I haven't found info explaining why I should (or shouldn't) use this "pass" command.<br /><br /> My Asterisk config is:<br /><br /> sip.conf<br /> [general]<br /> port=5060<br /> externip = www.theip.net<br /> localnet =<br /> localmask =<br /> allow=all<br /><br /> [user]<br />....<br /> nat=yes<br /> canreinvite=no<br /> host=dynamic<br /> --------------------------------------------<br />extensions.conf<br /><br /> exten => 400,1,Background(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/myrecord)<br /> exten => 400,2,Hangup<br /> exten => 400,102,Hangup<br /> ---------------------------------------------<br /><br /> Thanx a lot!<br /> ww6 <br /></font>