This is Shan. I need a suggestion regarding my work. First i'll explain my work and next my problem in the extensions.conf file:<BR>
According to my dialplan every incoming DID's will be diverted to the "main" context. From the "main" context i've to send my incoming DID's to two different context. For example: 100 - 200 DID's will be diverted to context-1 and 300-400 will be diverted context-2. I've sepearte IVR features for context-1 & context-2.<BR>
So here is my problem. <BR>
How can i direct my calls to the IVR feature for context-1 & context-2.All the calls comes to the "main" context initially and then i've to divert the calls to the appropriate context-1 or context-2. I dont' want to use "include=>context-1 or include=>context-2" statements in the "main" context. Please give any other idea to complete this work.<BR>
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