[asterisk-users] Expanding my answering-machine system

Steve Matzura sm at noisynotes.com
Sat Jun 17 17:47:29 CDT 2023

OK, this is how I thought it's supposed to work. It just confounded me 
why the book would say the Playback() and Background() syntax were the 
same, then in the very next paragraph give an example that belied that 

On 6/17/2023 1:46 PM, Doug Lytle wrote:
> On 6/17/23 08:47, Steve Matzura wrote:
>> Both Background()  and WaitExten()  allow the caller to enter DTMF 
>> digits. Asterisk then attempts to find an extension in the current 
>> context that matches the digits that the caller entered. If Asterisk 
>> finds a match, it will send the call to that extension.
>> My question then is, is "*" a valid exension, as in:
> I'd have to assume yes.  I don't use WaitExten() and I set 
> autofallthrough=no in the /etc/asterisk.conf, since that is the way 
> I've always expected Asterisk to work; my dialplan examples are based 
> on that.
> The below example shows a call coming into a DID, playing background 
> prompts and excepting input during play.
> ;****************
> ;* Auto attendant
> ;****************
> exten => 5175551212,1,Gosub(check-blacklist,s,1)
>      same => n,Gosub(check-hours,s,1)
>      same => n,Gosub(holiday-check,s,1)
>      same => n,Gosub(get-callerid,s,1)
>      same => n,Goto(auto-attend,s,1)
> [auto-attend]
> include => dial-by-extension
> ;*************
> ;* Set timeouts
> ;*************
> exten => s,1,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=8)
>      same => n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2)
>      same => n,Set(LOOPCOUNT=0)
>      same => n,GotoIf($["${Holiday}" = "YES"]?HOLIDAY:BEGIN)
>      same => n(BEGIN),Answer()
>      same => n,Wait(1)
> ;****************************************************
> ;* Play the 'Welcome message' and office hours message
> ;****************************************************
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/welcome)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/business_hours)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/8am_5pm)
>      same => n(HOLIDAY),Background(${voice}/dial_anytime)
>      same => n(DIRECTORY),Background(${voice}/directory_assist)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/press_1)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/to_ring_after_hours)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/press_2)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/absence_delay)
>      same => n,Background(${voice}/press_3)
> ;************************************
> ;* If 1 is pressed, go to Dial by name
> ;************************************
> exten => 1,1,Goto(directory,s,1)
> ;***************************************
> ;* If 2 is pressed, dial the Foyer phone
> ;***************************************
> exten => 2,1,Goto(dial-by-extension,4255,1)
> ;***********************************************
> ;* If 3 is pressed, dial absence/delay extension
> ;***********************************************
> exten => 3,1,Gosub(cellphone-callerid,s,1)
> exten => 3,n,Voicemail(3888 at sip,us)
> exten => 3,n,Hangup()
> ;********************************************
> ;* If 8# is pressed, go to Voicemail Main menu
> ;********************************************
> exten => 8#,1,VoiceMailMain(@sip)
> exten => 8#,2,Hangup()
> This is not the complete dialplan; I also have error checking and a 
> loop counter.
> Doug
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