[asterisk-users] Parallel dialoog with different Alert-Info headers

asterisk at phreaknet.org asterisk at phreaknet.org
Sun Jul 23 12:02:07 CDT 2023

On 7/23/2023 12:32 PM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
>> On 22 Jul 2023, at 23:40, asterisk at phreaknet.org wrote:
>> I'm assuming you mean at the device level, and that you want to send 
>> only the relevant header to each device?
>> Use pre-dial handlers; a unique handler runs on each destination 
>> channel. With PJSIP, you're forced to do this anyways, but 
>> SIPAddHeader adds these to the calling channel first, which explains 
>> the problem you have now.
> Aye - problem is - I have some 79XX phones for which I am very reliant 
> on functionality from 
> https://usecallmanager.nz/documentation-overview.html that is not in 

I hear you... you're not the first person that's told me that. It's one 
of the top reasons I hear for staying on chan_sip.
Unfortunately, the author of those patches hasn't expressed interest in 
porting the functionality to PJSIP due to some misconceptions about 
PJSIP development. Some of it I might take a stab at to allow some of my 
users to move over, but not until outstanding patches have cleared; I 
have some of these phones but don't really use them, so it's lower on my 
priority list.

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