[asterisk-users] Voice "broken" during calls

Marek Greško mgresko8 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 15:14:49 CDT 2020

Missing packet from DT could be caused by MTU issue.


2020-06-18 5:41 GMT+02:00, Jeff LaCoursiere <jeff at stratustalk.com>:
> Hello Luca,
> We are still playing with visualization of your data, but I didn't want
> you to wait any longer for some results.  I think I blame both DT and
> the Pi :)
> First, a look at the phone side of your Banana Pi.  The first thing we
> noticed is there were a LOT more packets in one direction (north towards
> DT) than the other (towards the phone):
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ tcpdump -nr
>     testPhone.pcap src | wc -l
>     reading from file testPhone.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
>     7951
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ tcpdump -nr
>     testPhone.pcap dst | wc -l
>     reading from file testPhone.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
>     3981
> Note there are almost twice as many packets headed out.  Our tool takes
> a shot at it:
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ wotinder -I
>     testPhone.pcap
>     input: testPhone.pcap
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.047401 INVITE (Luca) ->
> (sip:035014649215)-(81b17560-c0a80101-0-1798,10000)
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.112866 DUPINVITE (Luca) ->
> (sip:035014649215)-(81b17560-c0a80101-0-1798,10000)
>     2020/06/16 10:48:43.690647 BYE
>     ->
>          Session: 81b17560-c0a80101-0-1798
>          RTP 10000 -> 10030
>          Source total pkts: 7899 (avg err 15934.774414)
>          Dest total pkts: 3943 (avg err 8307.511719)
> The "average error" is the average departure from exactly 50hz, in
> microseconds.  Basically we are wanting to see a packet every 20,000us,
> and if it arrives early (because the last one was late) or late, then
> the absolute value of how far off it was is accumulated, and in the end
> averaged.  Its a bit misleading in this case, because there has clearly
> been packet loss in one direction, and I am still wrapping my head
> around why the error isn't much higher (some kind of bug in our packet
> loss penalties).
> It does show that from the BPi's perspective, the stream from the phone
> is NOT very steady.  The *average* error was almost a full packet length
> late (16,000us).  Now our tool spits out the raw data (time between
> packets in us) and we can quickly graph it.  I lined up the two legs,
> but of course you are only seeing half of the second one, and it makes
> an interesting visual:
> What on earth is causing the very regular spikes?  Roughly every second
> there seems to be a delay introduced, EVEN FROM THE PHONE ON THE LAN!
> This worries me that we have asked the Pi to do too much. Perhaps
> capturing the data and writing it while also running asterisk is causing
> something to back up regularly.  We do prefer to do this kind of
> analysis from a span port on a switch...
> But that doesn't explain the missing packets from DT.
> Similar results on that side:
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ tcpdump -nr
>     testDSL.pcap src | wc -l
>     reading from file testDSL.pcap, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked)
>     8048
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ tcpdump -nr
>     testDSL.pcap dst | wc -l
>     reading from file testDSL.pcap, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked)
>     4076
> I'm making an assumption that is your side of the DSL, and
> the packets towards you seem to be missing a lot!  I can't explain that
> as a Pi issue *unless* something funny is happening on the kernel
> handling inbound public traffic.  You mention you are traffic shaping -
> that could easily be causing something like this. Running our tool on
> that trace:
>     jeff at jasper:~/Personal/StratusTalk/wotinder/Luca/tmp$ wotinder -I
>     DSL.pcap
>     input: DSL.pcap
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.196746 INVITE
>     (00493514977290) ->
>     (sip:035014649215)-(765cb6164b1c122a3b9c8303600ea367,10036)
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.296309 DUPINVITE
>     (00493514977290) ->
>     (sip:035014649215)-(765cb6164b1c122a3b9c8303600ea367,10036)
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.357971 DUPINVITE
>     (00493514977290) ->
>     (sip:035014649215)-(765cb6164b1c122a3b9c8303600ea367,10036)
>     2020/06/16 10:47:16.457280 DUPINVITE
>     (00493514977290) ->
>     (sip:035014649215)-(765cb6164b1c122a3b9c8303600ea367,10036)
>     2020/06/16 10:48:43.680671 BYE ->
>          Session: 765cb6164b1c122a3b9c8303600ea367
>          RTP 10036 -> 6300
>          Source total pkts: 7898 (avg err 15771.558594)
>          Dest total pkts: 3943 (avg err 6995.069824)
> The DUPINVITE packets I think are probably negotiations.  I didn't dive
> into a SIP analysis, but it may be good to look at the SDP and confirm
> codec selection, etc.
> Funny enough, a visual of THAT side looks exactly the same:
> This really is telling I think about the Pi's ability to keep up with
> everything you are asking it to do, when looked at from the
> *microsecond* perspective.
> Still doesn't explain the lack of traffic from DT... I would call them,
> send them the trace you sent me, and this message.
> Good luck!
> Cheers,
> j
> On 6/15/20 3:27 PM, Luca Bertoncello wrote:
>> Am 15.06.2020 um 21:50 schrieb Luca Bertoncello:
>>> What do you mean now? If I can use the full available band or if I can
>>> download exactly 50Mbs?
>>> The answer to the first question is: YES! That's why I use a traffic
>>> shaper... ;)
>>> The answer to the second question is: NO. I made a speedtest right now
>>> and I get only ~18Mbps download.
>> And some other information, too.
>> I checked the xDSL-statistics of my DSL-Modem (which use the BananaPI to
>> establish the PPPoE connection):
>> 					adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
>> Status: Showtime
>> Last Retrain Reason:	2
>> Last initialization procedure status:	0
>> Max:	Upstream rate = 1709 Kbps, Downstream rate = 19888 Kbps
>> Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 1626 Kbps, Downstream rate = 20113 Kbps
>> Bearer:	1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
>> So it seems, that my connection is about the half of the theorical one...
>> I think, I must call Deutsche Telekom, but since I'll change my contract
>> at 18.06., I'll wait some days. Then I'll have a "business" contract,
>> and I hope I don't must speak with someone that can just say "you have
>> to reboot your Fritzbox. What? You don't have a Fritzbox? That's not
>> possible. Please check your Fritbox, I can't reach it"... ;)
>> Bye
>> Luca Bertoncello
>> (lucabert at lucabert.de)
> --
> 	*Jeff LaCoursiere*
> Phone: 	*+1 703.496.4990 x108*
> Mobile: 	*+1 815.546.6599*
> Email: 	*jeff at stratustalk.com* <mailto:jeff at stratustalk.com>
> Website: 	*https://www.stratustalk.com*
> Address: 	*One Freedom Square
> 13th Floor
> Reston, VA 20190*
> <https://www.facebook.com/jeff.lacoursiere>
> <https://linkedin.com/in/jeff-lacoursiere-884361>
> <https://www.twitter.com/stratustalk>

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