[asterisk-users] Get PJSIP Endpoint Information via REST or similar API?

Benoit Panizzon benoit.panizzon at imp.ch
Mon Jan 27 03:03:27 CST 2020

Hi Gang

To get our customers more information on how they registered I am
looking for a elegant way to get an information like the CLI command:

pjsip show endpoint [endpoint]

I had a got on ARI, but that basically only returns the information if
an endpoint is online or not.

Is there a API to get similar detailed information as the cli

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch

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