[asterisk-users] WebRTC: which ACL and modes for /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ?

Olivier oza.4h07 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 01:57:12 CST 2019


Following [1], you get precious help for webRTC installation.

Something that is missing there, though, is a note expliciting
/etc/asterisk/keys files ownerships and modes.

As people are either running asterisk as root:root, asterisk:root and
others or as asterisk:asterisk, the number of files ownerships and modes
combinations quickly grows.

Can someone who has successfully run Asterisk HTTPS server, be kind enough
to simply shows here, what is:
- the user:group running Asterisk on its machine
- the output of its "ls -al /etc/asterisk/keys"
- the content of its /etc/asterisk/http.conf


Thanks in advance.

Best regards
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