[asterisk-users] unsolved: Re: solved: how to create a working certificate for using TLS?

hw hw at gc-24.de
Fri Jul 5 14:14:23 CDT 2019

On 7/5/19 10:50 AM, Doug Lytle wrote:
> On 7/4/19 6:40 PM, hw wrote:
>> This has again, and for no reason, ceased to work again after 
>> restarting asterisk.  No matter what I try, I can't create a 
>> certificate asterisk
>> would verify.
> Have you considered using LetsEncrypt for a valid certificate?
> Doug

What would be the point in making this even more complicated?

Today all of a sudden the certificate couldn't be verified anymore even 
without restarting asterisk.  How is it possible that a certificate 
which was fine for 10 hours and 18 minutes suddenly can not be used anymore?

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