[asterisk-users] How to execute priorities following a caller hangup in a successful Dial?

David P davidswalkabout at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 17:17:51 CDT 2018

This has been super-helpful, Eric. However, the handleHangupByPeer priorities
below are still not run when the peer hangs-up. The last line in the cli
when the peer hangs-up is still:
Strict RTP learning complete - Locking on source address
(Although sometimes there is also: Retransmission timeout reached on

 same =>
+ 1])
 ; Ensure that hangup by caller/inbound-channel will invoke
 same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=handleHangupByCaller,s,1(args))
 same => n,Set(AddressToReachPeer=SIP/${EXTEN:0:4}@${PeerBeingConsidered})
 ; Ensure that the channel of the peer (i.e. outbound-channel) is
configured with hangup handler.
 same =>
 same => n,Hangup

exten => s,1,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=handleHangupByPeer,s,1(args))
 same => n,Return

 ; Ensure that GLOBAL(CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount) is decremented
after hangup, and end-of-call-epoch is set.
exten => s,1,NoOp(${PeerBeingConsidered} peer channel: Entered
handleHangupByCallerOrPeer Calls ${CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount})
 same =>
- 1])
 same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${PeerBeingConsidered}EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
 same => n,Return

 ; Ensure that GLOBAL(CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount) is decremented
after hangup, and end-of-call-epoch is set.
exten => s,1,NoOp(${PeerBeingConsidered} caller channel: Entered
handleHangupByCallerOrPeer Calls ${CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount})
 same =>
- 1])
 same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${PeerBeingConsidered}EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
 same => n,Return

When the caller hangs-up, handleHangupByCaller is run first, then
runs. (And strangely, the value of global CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount
isn't accessible in handleHangupByPeer.)


On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 12:58 PM, Eric Wieling <ewieling at nyigc.com> wrote:

> Don't use the _. pattern.  Ever.
> The call has two channels so it needs two hangup handlers, something like
> this, though I've not tested it.
> [some_context]
> exten => _X.,1,Noop
>  same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=my_caller_hangup_handler)
>  same => n,Dial(SIP/number at peer,b(pre_dial^s^1))
>  same => n,Hangup
> [pre_dial]
> exten => s,1,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=my_called_hangup_handler)
>  same => Return
> See: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Pre-Dial+Handlers
> and https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Hangup+Handlers
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