[asterisk-users] asterisk server - no sound

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at asterisk.open.source.it
Tue Jun 6 10:09:07 CDT 2017

On Tuesday 06 June 2017 16:57:07 andre castro wrote:

> On 06/06/2017 04:36 PM, Antony Stone wrote:
> > 
> > Tell us about your networking arrangement - are both phones and the
> > Asterisk machine on the same network?
> Nop. They are in 2 different networks. The phones in one and the
> Asterisk machine in another.

Okay, that is why you have audio between the two phones, then - they can see 
each other directly, on the same network, and nothing is interfering with the 
traffic between them.

> > Is there a router in between any of them?
> Yes. In the phones network.
> > Is there any NAT involved?
> Yes in the phones' network. They both have different private IP address
> and one public IP.

Okay, I suspect that this NATting router is not passing the UDP packets from 
the server back to the phones correctly, based on the SIP connection (when the 
phone makes the call).

SIP is on UDP 5060; audio is on UDP 10,000 - 20,000.

If it's a Linux router, you need to make sure you are allowing FORWARDed traffic 

If it's not a Linux router, you need to find out how to get it to support SIP 
and RTSP.

Good luck,


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