[asterisk-users] Execution of pre-bridge handlers

Patrick Wakano pwakano at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 06:24:00 CST 2017

Hello Asterisk Users,

Hope you all doing fine!
I am working with a quite complex dialplan, and I've come to some
situations where it makes some nasty use of pre-bridge handlers.
The pre-bridge handlers wiki (https://wiki.asterisk.org/
wiki/display/AST/Pre-Bridge+Handlers) doesn't have the big warning the
pre-dial one has indicating it must return and must not put the
caller/callee in other applications (https://wiki.asterisk.org/
wiki/display/AST/Pre-Dial+Handlers). So apparently, looks like they
wouldn't have this restriction... However I had the feeling this was not
true, so after some research I found this issue https://issues.asterisk.org/
jira/browse/ASTERISK-25690, that says "*Connected line subroutines are
meant** to be fast and as a result there is an expectation that
applications invoked will not consume frames*". I am assuming that
connected lines subroutines are just different words for pre-bridge
handlers, right?
Anyway my question is, what happens if I do not return straight away from
the pre-bridge handler? Or even worst, if I execute a Dial application for
example? Will I fall in some "undefined behaviour"?

Anyone has experienced something like this?

Many thanks,
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